I love you Marya. I kept trying to type other words of comfort, but nothing felt worthy enough. So I'm going to say - I love you.

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I’m honored that Zeke once blessed me with one sniff of my hand, and that she put me in my place right after with just one look. I’m so sorry that you had to say goodbye to your fierce, loving, noble companion. May her memory always be a comfort and a joy; wherever she’s flying high, may you feel her touch down to greet you when you need it, always. To anyone who doesn’t understand what it’s like to love and grieve a pet this much, you fuckers are missing out 💔

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“I hope you love something hard enough that you have to grieve.” Nailed it on the head there. There is so much joy in loving (especially our pets, our “best persons” as you said) that of course there is inevitable pain. Zeke was so lucky to be loved by you, what a serendipitous pairing.

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24

A Therapist friend described the loss of a dog as the purest kind of grief. It’s so raw and uncomplicated. Here’s to Zeke and all the dogs who are nobody’s sucker and bite at the unknown. I’ve had one of those and to have their love and trust is such a gift.

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I know that loss. I am sorry. I still feel it. Such a sweet, sweet blessing to have them in our lives.

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I could feel your love, pain and grief all the way through. Your unknown listeners and readers are riding with you, even if we’re not banging pots or making a ruckus, know we’re there. Big hugs to you. Xo

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Thank you for memories of Brian. I expect that he and Zeke will join forces to gleefully haunt you.

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love your insight, and ability to express it in such a beautiful way. thanks for being you. of course im delighted that Zeke had you in her little wiggly butt life. amaze on woman! xxxsher

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Husbands come and husband's go, but a dog is yours...that is amazing and true. Zeke was a funny name for a girl dog but I loved her and your photos. . She was your constant companion and you must be in pain right now, but she is there in spirit and dreams.

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no words, just a huge as hug from a stranger down here at the nearly bottom of the world, who knows a bit about this space. It hurts, she in her place will be missing you too, they give so much, as do we them, more than food :-) Gorgeous dog.

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Marya, I'm so sorry. I'm not on any socials. I didn't know before this Rant that Zeke was sick or that you lost her. I'm crying as I write this because I know that some dogs are soul mates, and I'm sure from your story of how you two came to be together and from seeing you two in the same space that she was your soulmate like my old girl, Rana (the princess who acts like a queen), is mine.

I have always loved dogs more than most people. I've always loved dogs and horses because they gave up their wildness to be with us. Their wild essence wasn't bred out of them like sheep or cattle, and they didn't hedge their bets holding onto some semblance of ferity like cats. I firmly believe that dogs and horses matched us in their own personages in order to become our companions.

I say all the time, "Dogs are people, too, because they have personalities, person being the singular of 'people'." Some people scoff at the notion that dogs are people, and I scoff back at them for disavowing the power and meaning of actual words which substantiate that dogs are people.

They give us all the love they have in every cell of their body and all they want in turn is food, warmth, and affection. They always accept love, like an old dried-out sponge, but they don't expect it and don't demand it, not from THEIR person. I think that's why I love them. Who else makes you feel important just for walking into their line of sight? Who else makes you feel like the absolute best person in the world just for breathing and sending them love through your eyes?

Who else so closely watches you, and only you, that they're expertly attuned to all your nonverbal cues they know exactly how and what you're feeling better than any human in your life—and they don't judge you for it?? Who else will simply do whatever is the exact perfect way to console you when you feel inconsolable? Only soul dogs.

Having a soul dog is the most wonderful gift. When they go back out of your life, all you can do is be really sad while accepting that you'd rather be in this deep pit of sadness than not have met your soul pup at all.

Here's to Zeke. ❤️❤️👍❤️❤️

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“. . . they give up their wildness to be with us.” I love that.

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I am so sorry for that terrible day. Zeke looked like one hell of a companion! I wish you strength. And a good flight to Zeke.

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...I have been up late tonight grieving my own recent losses. Loss such as this is extraordinarily painful and my heart goes out to you, M. Thank you for sharing. Zeke was your soul dog... Anyone could see that. You were meant to be.

Drive safely. Much love.

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A very touching and spot on reflection on death and love. Hugs to you. My immortals live on, Nanook, Kisha, and George. Always in the most private of my memories.

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I respect you SO much. And admire you. And truly look forward to each and every one of your messages.

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Also , what you are going through fucking sucks ass.

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Oh man. How sad to lose such an important soul. Sorry to hear.

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I hate that you feel that hollow, empty hole; it fucking sucks! Love yourself, Marya! Zeke will ride forever within your heart, soul, and memories.

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