...So much better than Burning Man. ;)

Seriously, I really miss the desert peace and I knew this report from you would be ridiculously interesting and wonderfully weird. I wish I was there.

Keep dancing in your own way, love. Some of us are just lucky enough to be a part of it by proxy and feel a little bit more alive with each step.


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Every time I read, I'm in awe -- and that sifting through the ashes to begin again is heart-stopping

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“woke to the first day of a new year and began sifting through the ashes, because what can we do, what should we do, what is there to do if not begin again?” This. ♥️ love this piece.

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I find comfort in that many of us woke up on New Year’s Day alone, yet together.

Thanks for the invite to sit by the fire alone,

With you.

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Am loving this. And yes, waking up alone on New Year’s Day is just fine by me, piled under my hand made quilts in a chilly home. So glad to hear that you’re dancing.

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This reminds me of another essay you wrote recently about dancing - in New Orleans that time. You would know better than I what dancing means to you, but from my perspective, it seems like a way for you to settle into your body and be fully you. Or at least that's the feeling I get when I read about you dancing.

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Sometimes it's hard to know where the dream stops and reality starts. I'm glad you found fire, and community, and a reason to dance. Really, I think we're mostly strangers here.

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