Sep 13Liked by Marya Hornbacher

Best definition of abundance. It’s a state of minding less

Everything will feel scarce, will be scarce. There will never be enough, so you will change your understanding of enough, and then it will be almost enough.

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Wonderful reminder, my wise friend.

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Sep 13Liked by Marya Hornbacher

Drawn right in once again, thank you, Marya. As Marie says in the comments, you leave me curious to know more and read next time!

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Wendy, I appreciate this!!

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Sep 13Liked by Marya Hornbacher

The dragon in the fire. The wade in the river. Wanting as shattering. Sirens calling out. I didn’t know you “were going to be a poet,” were first published that way, though it’s evident in your writing. The last two essays, the audio, the poems – there is always truth in what you write, but these hold just & only that: what is true, what is left. <3

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Oof. Well, the rest of us can grab our hats and go home. That paragraph alone blows most of the poems I've read lately out of the water. xo

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Sep 13Liked by Marya Hornbacher

pfft, very flattered ♥️

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Sep 13Liked by Marya Hornbacher

Sweet Lady,…

You are going places.

And I don’t mean places you can touch with the hands or see with your eyes.

But places only accessible with an open mind, closed eyes and feeling with your gut and heart

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The path goes where it goes, as you well know, my dear.

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Sep 14Liked by Marya Hornbacher

May your gut feeling, intuition and Spirit be your guide,….


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right back atcha xo

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Sep 13Liked by Marya Hornbacher

This is one of my favorites - I relate to every single word. I love that song, I sing it in my head any time I go traveling. "Latitude and longitude of an empty room. Degree and angle of a lengthening day." - these lines arouse a longing in me. Keep wading the river friend!

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Fellow traveler that you are! It is such a pleasure to have you here, Leah, and you know it means the world to me.

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Sep 13Liked by Marya Hornbacher

This one. Wow. As always, thank you for your beautiful words.

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And thank you for yours, my friend, and for your wonderful comments today in class!

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Sep 13Liked by Marya Hornbacher

There is so much to say about this piece and the story it tells. Many of the beautiful folks in the comments have said it better than I ever could but I will add that your writing is simply brilliant. Exceptional. You have gained the skill, or maybe you arrived on Earth with it, of drawing us in from the first word. Thank you for sharing this gift.

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Beyond kind of you. 🙏🏻 My thanks.

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Sep 13Liked by Marya Hornbacher

Another knockout of the park.

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Thank you, Jeanine! ☺️

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Isn’t learning to move when you have sufficient space just everything?

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And then some.

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Sep 13Liked by Marya Hornbacher

So intense, so rich, so raw and honest. I admire these things about you and the way the world shows up in your mind. As someone who is most likely old enough to be your Mom, I’d very much enjoy baking you a peach pie, then I’d share it with you and coffee. I’d remind you that I see you. I honor your solitude and have a place you could rest if ever that is needed.

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I'm beyond grateful for this Teyani. It's such a wonder to be reminded every time I post of how much good there is in the world—and here you are!

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You touch the place in me that knows. This IS what America means; we all get find it for ourselves. On the bus with you. 🌻🫶🌻

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Happy to share my trail mix if yours runs low. ;) Thank you for being here, Kelly. xo

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This is absolutely fucking brilliant. Every word you write makes me want to write better.

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Lord almighty, high praise, my much-admired friend. Thank you.

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Sep 13Liked by Marya Hornbacher

You might have thought you had nothing to lose, but it still took a lot of courage to walk out into the unknown.

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As I go, I'm more able to see some ways that's true. Thank you for reminding me, Holly, and for being here.

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Mary’s, wow absolutely gorgeous from the beginning and all the way through. I love the way you write and tell your stories thank you so much.

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Thank you, Prajna! I'm so delighted we've stumbled across each other here!

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TIOLI—BDSTAB (too long for a license plate, but a good tattoo).

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ok but now we gotta think about FONTS

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Sep 13Liked by Marya Hornbacher

a “violent streak of pink below a heavy bank of blue-black clouds”. Reminds me of some pics of the sunrise I tried to catch this morning stopped behind the Walmart across from Pikes Peak State College. The smoke on the air somehow made the rising sun look large and Jupiter like.

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The sunrises in your neck of the woods are breathtaking!! Post the photos, if you can?

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